Why Use Email Outbound?

The /email-outbound command helps you quickly send emails directly from your workspace. Perfect for:

  • Sending quick updates to colleagues
  • Forwarding reports to stakeholders
  • Distributing newsletters
  • Following up with customers
  • Sending meeting summaries

Basic Usage

The simplest way to send an email is using the command with a recipient and message:

/email-outbound send email to "tom@work.com" with message "Here is a report for you regarding our Q4 results."

Sender Information

All emails sent through the email-outbound command will come from: Pinkfish Email <mail@pinkfish-email.com>

This sender address cannot be changed and helps recipients identify emails coming from your Pinkfish automation.

Advanced Options

You can enhance your emails with these additional options:

Subject Lines

Add a custom subject line to your email:

/email-outbound send email to "jane@company.com" with subject "Weekly Update" with message "Here are this week's metrics..."

CC and BCC Recipients

Include additional recipients using CC and BCC:

/email-outbound send email to "team@company.com" cc "manager@company.com" with message "Team update for this sprint..."

Reply-To Address

Set a specific reply-to address:

/email-outbound send email to "customer@example.com" reply-to "support@ourcompany.com" with message "Thank you for your inquiry..."

HTML Formatting

Send formatted HTML emails:

/email-outbound send email to "marketing@company.com" with html "<h1>Campaign Results</h1><p>Our Q4 campaign showed...</p>"

File Attachments

Include file attachments with your email:

/email-outbound send email to "finance@company.com" with message "Please find the attached report" with files ["Q4_Report.pdf"]

Rate Limits

To ensure optimal service quality, the following rate limits apply:

  • Per Minute: 10 emails
  • Daily: 25 emails

You’ll receive a notification when approaching these limits. The response will show your current usage:

    "minutely": {
        "current": 1,
        "limit": 10
    "daily": {
        "current": 23,
        "limit": 25

Need higher limits? Contact sales@pinkfish.ai to discuss enterprise options and custom limit configurations.

Creating Email Loops with Triggers

You can create powerful email automation loops by combining email-outbound with email triggers. Here’s how:

  1. Set up an email trigger in your automation to generate a unique email address (e.g., ctqe6aa8s9s3js89@pinkfish.email)
  2. When emails are sent to this trigger address, their contents are sent to your automation
  3. Use email-outbound to reply to the original sender by:
    • Setting their email as the “to” address
    • Setting your trigger email as the “reply-to” address


/email-outbound send email to "customer@example.com" reply-to "ctqe6aa8s9s3js89@pinkfish.email" with message "Thanks for your inquiry..."

This creates a loop where:

  • Your automation receives an email
  • You reply using email-outbound
  • The recipient replies to your trigger email
  • Your automation processes the reply and can respond again

This is perfect for creating automated email conversations, support ticket systems, or email-based workflows.

Common Issues

  • Missing Recipient: Always include a “to” email address
  • Empty Message: Provide either a plain text message or HTML content
  • Rate Limits: If you hit a limit, wait until the next period or contact sales for higher limits

The command will provide helpful error messages if you forget any required information or hit rate limits.