Using Perplexity

The /perplexity command helps you get up-to-the-minute information from across the internet, powered by Perplexity’s AI research capabilities.

Basic Usage

Simply type your question or research topic after the command:

/perplexity what are the latest developments in quantum computing
/perplexity who won the champions league final yesterday
/perplexity give me the current stock price of Apple and recent news

Key Features

Get the latest news and developments on any topic:

/perplexity what are the latest climate policy changes in the EU

Academic Research

Find and summarize recent scientific papers and discoveries:

/perplexity show me recent peer-reviewed studies on gut microbiome

Market Analysis

Get current financial data and market trends:

/perplexity analyze recent trends in electric vehicle sales in Europe

Formatting Options

Bullet Points

Request specific formatting:

/perplexity summarize SpaceX's recent launches in bullet points


Ask for categorized information:

/perplexity break down AI safety initiatives into industry, academic, and government categories

Timeline Format

Get chronological breakdowns:

/perplexity create a timeline of fusion energy breakthroughs in 2024

Advanced Features

Source-Specific Research

Focus on particular sources:

/perplexity find academic papers on machine learning from MIT and Stanford

Statistical Analysis

Get data-driven insights:

/perplexity what are the key statistics on renewable energy adoption worldwide

Comparative Analysis

Compare different topics or entities:

/perplexity compare the environmental impact of EVs vs hydrogen vehicles

Best Practices

  1. Be Specific: Instead of “tell me about AI”, try “what are the latest developments in AI language models for medical diagnosis”

  2. Request Format: Specify how you want the information presented:

    /perplexity explain quantum computing breakthroughs
    format as bullet points
    focus on practical applications
  3. Time-Sensitive Queries: For news and current events, you can specify timeframes:

    /perplexity what happened in renewable energy this week
  4. Multi-Part Questions: Break complex queries into connected parts:

    /perplexity analyze the chip manufacturing industry
    focus on: new facilities, major players, investment trends
    timeline: past 6 months

Tips for Quality Results

  • Use clear, specific questions
  • Specify your preferred format (bullet points, categories, timeline)
  • Indicate if you want academic, news, or business focus
  • Mention time periods when relevant
  • Request specific types of sources if needed
  • Ask for comparisons or trends rather than just facts
  • Specify the depth of analysis you want


  • Cannot access private or paywalled content
  • May have a slight delay in real-time events
  • Best for factual research rather than opinion-based topics
  • Sources are limited to publicly available information

Example Use Cases

Scientific Research

/perplexity what are the breakthrough discoveries in CRISPR gene editing
format results into:
- recent discoveries
- clinical applications
- upcoming trials

Market Intelligence

/perplexity analyze the AI chip market
- major players
- market share
- new developments

Current Events Analysis

/perplexity what are the key climate policy changes
format as:
- new regulations
- country commitments
- industry response

Technical Deep Dives

/perplexity explain advances in quantum error correction
focus on:
- new methods
- experimental results
- practical implications

Remember that the command can handle natural language queries, so feel free to ask questions as you would to a research assistant. The more specific and well-structured your query, the better the results will be.