What are Steps?

Steps are the fundamental building blocks of your Automation. Each Step represents a specific action or task within your workflow. Breaking down complex processes into individual steps makes everything simpler and more manageable.

First Get Data, Then Process Data

Always break up getting data and processing data into separate steps.

  • Step 1: Get data
  • Step 2: Process data

The reason is that Pinkfish won’t know what your data is going to look like until after it’s retrieved. Ie: it hasn’t seen your data, so it doesn’t know how to handle it.So, first retrieve it in one step. Then, process it in another step. This is the golden combination.

Keep It Simple

Use steps to keep your automations simple and easy to understand.

  • Keep each step focused on a single task
  • Use the automatic step labeling or add your own labels
  • Use step outputs as inputs for subsequent steps
  • Break complex workflows into smaller, manageable pieces

Use steps!

Sometimes we see people trying to cram everything into a single step. This is a mistake. Breaking your automation into multiple steps is the way to go. Here’s why:

  • Easier Testing: Test and debug each step independently
  • Better Organization: Keep your automation logic clean and organized
  • Improved Maintenance: Update specific parts without affecting the whole
  • Clearer Workflow: Understand and document your process more effectively
  • Reusability: Share outputs between steps and other automations
  • Faster Builds: There’s just less to process, so everything runs faster

Step Data

When you run a step, the results are stored in a variable called “step_data.” Step 1’s data will be stored in step_data.step_1_data and so on. If you want to use the output of a step in another step, you can figure out the path to the data you need and specify it in the prompt But you can also just mention the field that you want such as Give me the subject lines the tickets in step 1.

Or, what we like best is using the “Insert path into chat” button in the results view to give the exact path with no guessing. Here’s what that looks like. In the example below, the path to accoundId would be inserted into the chat.

Does Pinkfish see your step data?

In our practice of data minimization and to protect your privacy, we avoid sending your data to the Pinkfish Automation Agent to the greatest extent possible. So when your step returns data, Pinkfish Agent doesn’t actualy get to see that data. It only sees the structure of the data - such as the fields and their types. This allows Pinkfish to process the data without seeing it. The data itself sits encrypted in an Amazon S3 bucket and is accessible only to you.

However, if you were to paste your data into the chat, Pinkfish Agent would then see it. Sometimes this may be what you want, but it’s not the default behavior.

Sample Step Sequences

  1. Data Collection:

    • Step 1: Gather data (from APIs, files, or user input)
    • Step 2: Process or transform the collected data
    • Step 3: Store the results or send results via email
  2. Analysis:

    • Step 1: Load and parse data files
    • Step 2: Analyze the parsed data
    • Step 3: Generate reports or visualizations
  3. Integration:

    • Step 1: Prepare data for external system
    • Step 2: Send data to external API
    • Step 3: Handle and verify the response
  4. Reporting:

    • Step 1: Collect data from previous steps
    • Step 2: Generate a report or dashboard
    • Step 3: Email the report to stakeholders