Why Use a Data Store?

The data store provides a flexible way to organize and retrieve your data using a key + sort field system. Think of it like a smart filing cabinet where you can:

  • Organize Related Data: Group similar items under the same key (like putting related files in the same folder)
  • Find Specific Items: Quickly locate exact items using the sort field
  • Scale Easily: Store multiple related items without creating complex folder structures
  • Share Selectively: Control access to individual items or groups of items
  • View Data Your Way: Display content as documents or tables based on your needs

Common Use Cases

  • Store all meeting notes under key meeting-notes with dates as sort fields
  • Keep employee records under key employees with email addresses as sort fields
  • Track inventory across categories using category names as sort fields
  • Manage project documentation with project codes as sort fields
  • Use as a job queue

Basic Usage

The /datastore command lets you create, read, update, and delete items in the data store. After typing /datastore, you can specify your action and options in natural language.

Key and Sort Field Fundamentals

Important Rules

  • The combination of key + sortField must be unique
  • If you don’t specify a sortField, one will be automatically generated for you
  • You can have multiple items with the same key as long as they have different sortField values
  • Think of key as a folder name and sortField as a unique identifier within that folder

Real-World Example

Imagine managing employee reviews:

key: employee-reviews
sortField: [employee.email]

This structure lets you:

  • Keep all reviews under one key
  • Find a specific employee’s review instantly
  • Store multiple reviews for different employees
  • Avoid duplicate reviews for the same employee
  • Easily share specific reviews with managers

Key and Sort Field Patterns

  1. Single Key Only (Auto-generated Sort Field)

    key: meeting-notes
    • Sort field will be auto-generated
    • Good for: Quick storage when uniqueness isn’t a concern
    • Example: Daily notes where exact retrieval isn’t needed
  2. Key + Date Sort Field

    key: meeting-notes
    sortField: 2024-03-15
    • Creates unique daily entries
    • Good for: Time-series data, daily logs
    • Example: Can’t have two items with key “meeting-notes” and sortField “2024-03-15”
  3. Key + Email Sort Field

    key: employee-reviews
    sortField: jane.smith@company.com
    • One record per employee
    • Good for: Per-user data
    • Example: Can’t have duplicate reviews for the same email
  4. Key + Category Sort Field

    key: inventory
    sortField: electronics-001
    • Unique identifier within category
    • Good for: Categorized items requiring unique IDs
  5. Key + ID Sort Field

    key: customers
    sortField: CUST-001
    • Explicit unique identifiers
    • Good for: Systems requiring specific IDs

Command Options

Creating Items

Basic syntax:

/datastore create a new item with:
key: [your-key]
sortField: [optional-sort-field]
content: [your-content]
metadata: [your-metadata]
viewerType: [table/document]
permissions: [array of permissions]
triggerUrls: [optional-trigger-urls]

Available Options

Required Fields

  • key: (Required) Primary identifier for your item. Think of it as a folder or category name.
    key: sales-reports

Optional Fields

  • sortField: Secondary identifier that makes the item unique when combined with key

    sortField: 2024-Q1
  • content: The main content of your item

    content: Q1 Sales Analysis
  • metadata: Custom attributes as a JSON object

    metadata: {
      "region": "North America",
      "department": "Sales"

    For tables:

    metadata: {
      "displayType": "csv",
      "csvData": "Month,Revenue,Units\nJan,50000,500\nFeb,55000,550"
  • logoUrl: URL for a logo to display in the viewer

    logoUrl: http://www.imgstore.com/myimg.jpg
  • permissions: Array of view/edit permissions

    permissions: ["view"] // Read-only access
    permissions: ["view", "edit"] // Read and write access
    permissions: [] // Private
  • viewerType: How the content should be displayed

    viewerType: "table" // For spreadsheet-like data
    viewerType: "document" // For document-style content
  • triggerUrls: URLs to be called when the item changes

    triggerUrls: {
      "URL1": "APIKEY1"

About Triggers

Datastore items can have triggers attached that fire when the item is updated. When you attach a trigger URL to an item:

  • The trigger will be called any time the item changes (content, metadata, or any other field)
  • Each URL in the triggerUrls object will be called with its corresponding API key
  • The trigger receives information about what changed in the item
  • You can update items without firing triggers using the “trigger off” option

Example of creating an item with a trigger:

/datastore create a new item with:
key: jobs
sortField: job-2024-03-15-001
content: Process monthly report
metadata: {
    "status": "not_started",
    "type": "report_generation"
triggerUrls: {
    "https://api.myservice.com/webhook": "my-api-key-123"

To update an item without firing triggers, use:

/datastore update item with trigger off:
key: jobs
sortField: job-2024-03-15-001
content: Updated content

Real-World Examples

  1. Project Documentation
/datastore create a new item with:
key: projects
sortField: mobile-app-redesign
content: Mobile App Redesign Documentation
metadata: {
    "status": "in-progress",
    "team": "design"
permissions: ["view", "edit"]
viewerType: "document"
  1. Sales Reports by Region
/datastore create a new item with:
key: sales-data
sortField: europe-2024-q1
content: European Region Q1 Sales
metadata: {
    "displayType": "csv",
    "csvData": "Country,Revenue,Units\nFrance,75000,750\nGermany,82000,820"
viewerType: "table"
permissions: ["view"]
  1. Employee Training Records
/datastore create a new item with:
key: training-completion
sortField: alice.johnson@company.com
content: Security Training 2024
metadata: {
    "completionDate": "2024-03-15",
    "score": "95%"
  1. Product Inventory by Category
/datastore create a new item with:
key: inventory
sortField: smartphones
content: Smartphone Inventory
metadata: {
    "displayType": "csv",
    "csvData": "Model,Stock,Price\niPhone 15,50,999\nPixel 8,30,899"
viewerType: "table"
permissions: ["view", "edit"]

Managing Items

Reading Items

By key only (returns all items with that key):

/datastore get items with key: projects

By key and sort field (returns specific item):

/datastore get item with key: projects and sortField: mobile-app-redesign

Updating Items

/datastore update item with:
key: projects
sortField: mobile-app-redesign
content: Updated project documentation

Deleting Items

/datastore delete item with key: projects and sortField: mobile-app-redesign

Best Practices

  1. Keys

    • Use plural nouns for collections (e.g., “projects”, “employees”)
    • Keep them simple and descriptive
    • Use consistent naming patterns
  2. Sort Fields

    • Use dates for time-based organization (YYYY-MM-DD)
    • Use emails for per-user data
    • Use IDs for unique records
    • Use categories for grouping related items
  3. Metadata

    • Use for searchable attributes
    • Keep structure consistent within similar items
    • Avoid storing large amounts of data
  4. Permissions

    • Use view-only when possible
    • Carefully consider who needs edit access
    • Review shared links periodically
  5. Triggers

    • Use triggers for automation workflows
    • Consider using “trigger off” for maintenance updates
    • Keep track of your trigger URLs and API keys
    • Test trigger endpoints before adding them to production items