Why Use File Storage?

The file storage system provides a simple yet powerful way to store and manage files with features like:

  • Simple File Management: Store and retrieve files using unique filenames
  • Flexible Content Types: Store any type of content, from JSON to plain text
  • Custom Metadata: Add descriptive information to your files
  • Expiring Links: Control file access with configurable expiration periods
  • File History: Track file changes and access through detailed logs
  • Append Capability: Add content to existing files without replacement

Common Use Cases

  • Store configuration files with version tracking
  • Maintain system logs with append functionality
  • Manage documents with rich metadata
  • Share files with controlled access periods
  • Track file access and modifications

Notice about Race Conditions

There is no race condition prevention in place. If you have multiple automations that are trying to write to the same file, you will experience unexpected results.

Basic Usage from Slash Command

The /filestorage command lets you create, read, update, and delete files in the storage system. After typing /filestorage, you can specify your action and options in natural language.

Basic Usage from Filestorage UI

In the left nav, click “File Storage” where you’ll see a list of files that you’ve created through your automations or directly via the UI. Click Upload to upload a new file.

File Storage Fundamentals

Important Rules

  • Each file must have a unique filename
  • Files can include optional metadata
  • File links can be set to expire after 1-7 days or made public
  • Content can be appended to existing files
  • File access history is automatically tracked

Real-World Example

Perhaps you want to store an email template for use across your automations. You could write a file with the following slash command:

/filestorage create a new file with:
filename: welcome-email-template.json
content: {"subject": "Welcome to Pinkfish", "body": "<p>Hello {{name}},</p><p>We're glad to have you onboard!</p>"}
metadata: {"company": "Pinkfish", "version": "1.0"}
file_links_expire_in_days: "1"

Now you can use the file in your automations. To retrieve it you would write a prompt like this: /filestorage retrieve contents of file welcome-email-template.json from file storage

Note that the reason I set file_links_expire_in_days to 1 is because that expiry is related to the signed URL that Pinkfish generates for you to access the file. And I only need it to be accessible for the duration of the Automation run.

Command Options

Creating Files

Basic syntax:

/filestorage create a new file with:
filename: [your-filename]
content: [your-content]
metadata: [optional-metadata]
file_links_expire_in_days: [expiration-period]

Available Options

Required Fields

  • filename: (Required) Unique identifier for your file
    filename: system-logs.txt
  • content: (Required) The content to store in the file
    content: Log entry at 2024-03-15T10:00:00Z

Optional Fields

  • metadata: Additional information about the file

    metadata: {
      "environment": "production",
      "version": "1.0",
      "author": "DevOps Team"
  • file_links_expire_in_days: Control how long file links remain valid

    file_links_expire_in_days: "7"  // Valid values: "1" through "7" or "never"

Real-World Examples

  1. Configuration Management
/filestorage create a new file with:
filename: app-config.json
content: {
    "api_endpoint": "https://api.example.com",
    "timeout": 30,
    "retry_attempts": 3
metadata: {
    "environment": "production",
    "version": "2.1",
    "last_updated_by": "system-admin"
file_links_expire_in_days: "7"
  1. System Logging
/filestorage create a new file with:
filename: system-logs-2024-03.txt
content: Initial log entry
metadata: {
    "log_type": "system",
    "retention_period": "90 days"
file_links_expire_in_days: "never"
  1. Document Storage
/filestorage create a new file with:
filename: quarterly-report-q1-2024.txt
content: Q1 2024 Financial Report
metadata: {
    "department": "Finance",
    "status": "draft",
    "reviewers": ["jane.doe", "john.smith"]
file_links_expire_in_days: "3"

Managing Files

Creating Files

/filestorage create a new file with:
filename: system-logs-2024-03.txt
content: Initial log entry
metadata: {"log_type": "system", "retention_period": "90 days"}
file_links_expire_in_days: "never"

Note that if you create a file with the same name as an existing file, it will overwrite the existing file.

Updating Files

Append to existing file:

/filestorage append to file:
filename: system-logs-2024-03.txt
content: New log entry at 2024-03-15T15:30:00Z
metadata: {"severity": "info"}

Reading Files

Get file metadata only:

/filestorage get metadata for file: quarterly-report-q1-2024.txt

Get file content and metadata:

/filestorage get file with contents: quarterly-report-q1-2024.txt

List all files with full details including metadata and signedUrls:

/filestorage list files

List files files with minimal results (filename / filepath, date created):

/filestorage list files light

Deleting Files

/filestorage delete file: quarterly-report-q1-2024.txt

Best Practices

  1. Filenames

    • Use descriptive, meaningful names
    • Include dates for time-sensitive files
    • Follow a consistent naming convention
    • Avoid special characters
  2. Metadata

    • Include version information
    • Add context about the file’s purpose
    • Track who created or modified the file
    • Document any dependencies
  3. File Access

    • Use appropriate expiration periods
    • Set longer expiration for frequently accessed files
    • Use “never” expiry only when necessary
    • Regularly review public files
  4. Content Management

    • Keep file sizes reasonable
    • Use append for logs and similar data
    • Regular cleanup of outdated files
    • Maintain backup copies of critical files
  5. Security

    • Review access logs regularly
    • Use shortest practical expiration periods
    • Don’t store sensitive data

File Access and Security

Access Control

  • Files are accessible via signed URLs
  • URLs expire based on the file_links_expire_in_days setting
  • Access history is maintained in the accessList

Monitoring and Tracking

  • Each file maintains an access log
  • Log entries include:
    • Action performed
    • Provider ID (user id)
    • Timestamp
  • Full history available through metadata endpoint