
The scraper allows you to navigate to a particular location in a website and then bring back the contents. In the simplest case, you give the scraper a URL and it gives you back the contents of that page as text, optionally with a screenshot.

  • Using actions, you can click buttons, navigate menus, and even loop through filling out forms with data you’ve collected in a previous step.
  • Using AI Vision you can answer questions about content on the page or structure the response that you get back in a format that you specify.


  • Using browser connections that you’ve created in Connections you can login automatically.
  • Or alternatively, using secrets you’ve stored in the datastore you can fill in username, password, and apikey details without needing to copy/paste those details into your automation as plaintext.

Basic Scraping

Scrape a web page with the /scraper command followed by one or more URLs:


Scrape and specify the return format:

format: markdown

Format Options

  • format: markdown - Returns content in readable text format (default)
  • format: html - Returns HTML content

Content Filtering

  • include: article, .main-content, #content - Specify elements to include
  • exclude: nav, .sidebar, #footer - Specify elements to exclude
  • mainContent: false - Include all content (default is true, which focuses on main content)

Available Actions

Use actions when you need to navigate to a certain location before doing your scrape.

Action Types

  1. Navigation Actions

    • goTo: [URL] - Navigate to a specific page
    • wait: [milliseconds] - Pause for specified time
    • scrollBottom - Scroll to bottom of page
    • scrollTo: [selector] - Scroll to specific element
  2. Interactive Actions

    • click: [text or selector] - Click on an element
    • hover: [text or selector] - Move mouse over element
    • fill: [field] with [text] - Enter text into input field
    • select: [option] - Choose from dropdown menu
    • check: [checkbox] - Toggle checkbox/radio button
    • press: [key] - Press keyboard key (Enter, Tab, etc.)
  3. Advanced Actions

    • screenshot: options: [fullpage (true|false), jpeg|png, quality (0-100)] - Capture screenshot
    • vision: [prompt, options] - Use AI to retrieve or analyze page content with same options as for screenshot, defaults to jpeg, quality 75
    • runcode: [Playwright code] - Execute custom Playwrite code
    • loop: [actions] - Repeat actions with input data


Waiting between actions is a common pattern in scraping and often necessary. You can use the wait action to pause for a specified amount of time. So if something isn’t working, try adding a wait in between actions.


Basic Navigation:

wait: 2000
click: "Accept Cookies"
screenshot: full page

Form Filling:

fill: color input with "red"
fill: address input with "1400 Church Rd. Phila, PA 19119"
click: "Submit"
wait: 1000

Working with Dropdown Lists:

select: "Sort by Price" from "Sort By" menu
wait: 500
vision: "Extract all product prices as a table"

Advanced Features

Loop Example:

loop begin:
  - click: "Add to Cart" in .product-card
  - wait: 1000
loop end

Loop with Data Example: First assemble data into an array of objects. You might do this in a previous step and then refer to the output of that step. Let’s say that your data output for Step 1 looks like this:


Then you would write your scraper in Step 2 like this:

Using the result from the previous step as inputData for the loop:
* goto
loop begin
   - fill color input with "color" data
   - fill datetime-local input with "datetime" data
   - fill email input with "email" data
   - fill month input with "month" data
   - fill number input with "number" data
   - click submit button
   - wait 5 secs
loop end
* also wait 2 secs between each action

Logging Into Websites

Using Browser Connections If you’ve created a browser connection, you can use it with the scraper. When you’re creating your prompt, first select the saved browser connection and then give your scraper prompt. In the example below assuming that you’ve created a browser connection called “salesforceLogin”

/browser-connection "salesforceLogin"
* goto

Note that when you use a browser connection, you are already logged in (similar to how you’d already be logged in if you logged in and then visited the page in question), so you don’t need to first go to the login page. You can jump right to your destination URL.

Using Vault You can use items stored in Vault in combination with scraping to fill in username, password, and API key fields in order to avoid entering your credentials into your automation in plain text.

Assuming you’ve previously stored an item in Vault called “salesforceLogin”, you could run the scraper with your Vault item as follows:

/get-secret salesforceLogin
* goto
- fill username input with username from secret
- fill password input with password from secret
- click "login" button
- wait 5 secs
* goto

In this case, you are first logging in and then going to your destination page. Note that if the site requires 2FA or a one-time password, this technique won’t work with the scraper. You should use Browser Connection (above) instead.

Parent Scoping

Specify a parent container to narrow down element selection:

click: "Submit" in .form-container

AI Vision

Use Vision AI to extract specific information:

vision: "Give me all products under $50 and list their features"

Batch Processing

Process multiple pages at once:

format: markdown
wait: 1000
screenshot: full page

Common Examples

  1. Login and Extract Content
/get-secret ExampleComLogin
fill: Username with username from secret
fill: Password with password from secret
click: "Login"
wait: 2000
vision: "Give me all dashboard statistics"
  1. Shopping Cart Process
select: "Sort by Price: Low to High"
wait: 1000
click: "Add to Cart" in .first-product
click: "Checkout"
screenshot: full page
  1. Content Analysis
vision: "Summarize the main points of the article"
  1. Form Submission
fill: Name with "John Doe"
fill: Email with ""
check: "Accept Terms"
click: "Submit"
wait: 2000

Selector Types

When targeting elements on a page, you can use several different methods:

  1. By Text Content

    • click: "Login" - Clicks element containing exact text “Login”
    • click: "Sign up for free" - Works with longer phrases too
  2. By Placeholder Text

    • fill: "Search..." with "laptops" - Targets input field with placeholder text
    • click: "Enter your username" - Works with any placeholder text
  3. CSS Selectors

    • click: #login-button - Using ID (#)
    • click: .submit-btn - Using class name (.)
    • click: button.primary - Element type with class
    • click: .form > .submit - Using hierarchy
    • click: [data-testid="submit"] - Using attributes
  4. XPath Selectors

    • click: //button[@type="submit"] - Button with specific type
    • click: //div[@class="menu"]//a - Links within menu div
    • click: //h1[contains(text(), "Welcome")] - Heading containing text
    • click: //label[text()="Password"]/following-sibling::input - Input field after label
    • click: //*[@id="main"]//button[2] - Second button in main container
  5. Combined Approaches

    • click: "Submit" in .form-container - Text within specific container
    • click: "Login" in #auth-modal - Text within ID
    • hover: "Menu" in .nav-bar - Combining text and class
    • click: "Next" in //div[@class="pagination"] - Text within XPath-selected container


  • Text matching is case-sensitive
  • For elements with spaces in selectors, use quotes: ".main content"
  • When using text, prefer exact matches over partial ones
  • CSS selectors provide simple targeting for basic needs
  • XPath provides more powerful selection capabilities:
    • Can traverse up the DOM tree
    • Can select elements based on their contents
    • Supports complex relationships between elements
  • Always try to use the most specific selector that works

Happy scraping!