The /trigger-call command allows you to start other automations from within your current automation. Think of it like a remote control that can start other automated processes. Perfect for:

  • Chaining multiple automations together
  • Starting background processes
  • Coordinating complex workflows
  • Triggering dependent automations
  • Managing sequential automation tasks

Basic Usage

Start another automation using the trigger command:

Trigger URL: [Your automation endpoint URL]
Trigger API Key: [Your API key]

Required Parameters

  • Trigger URL: The web address where your target automation lives

    • Must be a valid URL
    • Should be the complete endpoint address
    • Usually provided in your automation settings
  • Trigger API Key: Your security key for accessing the automation

    • Unique to your account
    • Required for authentication
    • Keep this private and secure

See API Triggers documentation for more information.

Optional Parameters

Execution Control

  • wait: Controls whether to wait for the triggered automation to complete
    • true: Wait for completion (default)
      • You’ll get full results back
      • Sees the complete execution
      • Good for dependent processes
    • false: Don’t wait (fire and forget)
      • Starts the automation and moves on
      • Faster execution
      • Good for background tasks

How It Works

When Waiting for Results (wait: true)

  1. Triggers the automation
  2. Waits for completion
  3. Returns detailed results including:
    • Automation details
    • Step-by-step results
    • Execution times
    • Success/failure status

When Not Waiting (wait: false)

  1. Triggers the automation
  2. Immediately returns a confirmation
  3. Provides a Run ID for reference (in the header of the response)
  4. Continues with your current automation

Example Commands

Basic Trigger with Waiting

/trigger-call call
Trigger URL:
Trigger API Key: your-api-key-here

Fire-and-Forget Trigger

/trigger-call call
Trigger URL:
Trigger API Key: your-api-key-here
wait: false

Monitoring and Tracking

The Monitor interface provides a centralized view of all your trigger call executions. You can:

  • Track the sequence of events across multiple automations
  • View the timing and duration of each triggered automation
  • Inspect the full execution chain when automations trigger other automations
  • Debug issues by following the complete execution path
  • Monitor the status of background tasks started with wait: false

Important Considerations

Avoiding Infinite Loops

Be cautious when implementing trigger calls to prevent infinite loops or excessive execution:

  • Never create circular trigger dependencies where automations trigger each other endlessly
  • Implement safeguards like execution counters or time-based checks
  • Consider using the datastore to track execution state and prevent loops
  • Monitor your automation usage to catch any unintended rapid triggering

Building Job Queues

You can combine trigger calls with the datastore to create a job queue system. See Job Queues for more information.

Storing your API Key as a secret

If you want to keep your API key out of your generated steps in plain text, you can store it as a secret in the datastore and then retrieve it at runtime. See Secrets for more information. This approach would also allow you to rotate your API key without having to update your automation.

The Trigger Calls command makes it easy to connect your automations. Start with the basics and expand as needed!