Release Notes
Pinkfish Release Notes, Dec 20 2024
Lots of new features and improvements.
What’s New
Scheduled Triggers
- Run your automations periodically — Minutely (in increments of 5 minutes) — Hourly — Daily — Weekly — Monthly
Automation Builder Improvements
- Streaming - feels much faster
- HTML output formatting - see the html results preview
- Table output formatting - when results are tabular, view as sortable table
- Unpublished changes - see indicator at top right when you have unsaved changes
- Test inputs - add test inputs to test your automation with real data as you build
Slash Commands
- Image generate
- Image background removal
- Image understanding
- HTML-app generator
- Filestorage
- Trigger call (give it your trigger url/key)
- D3 charting
The scraper has all kinds of new features. Mostly actions that we added that will make navigating to the place you want to scrape easier.
Available Actions
- wait: Pauses execution for a specified duration in milliseconds
- click: Triggers a click interaction on an element identified by the text within the element (byText), placeholder text (byPlaceholder), or selector
- hover: Moves cursor over an element identified by text, selector, or placeholder
- write: Inputs specified text into a field identified by text, selector, or placeholder
- select: Chooses an option from a dropdown/select element
- check: Toggles checkbox or radio button elements
- press: Simulates keyboard key press
- scroll_bottom: Scrolls to bottom of page or to a selector
- runcode: Executes custom JavaScript code within the page context (do not include headers)
- goto: Navigates to a specified URL
- screenshot: Captures page visual state (supports fullPage option)
- vision: Uses vision model to capture content from the page as per user’s vision prompt (also takes screenshot with fullPage option)
Sample prompt
Use scraping skill to navigate to and then do the following:
- Click the “Login” button
- Wait 2 seconds
- Write “myusername” into the username field
- Write “mypassword” into the password field
- Click the “Submit” button
- Wait 2 seconds
- Hover over the “Account” link
- Click the “Settings” link
- Wait 2 seconds
- Scroll to bottom of page
- Use vision to tell me what is on the page
- Take a screenshot of the page
What’s Next?
Stay tuned for upcoming releases featuring:
- Organization support
- Credits burndown
Happy automating! 🚀